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Did you know that the day before Valentines Day is..... Self Love Day! So it's the perfect opportunity to treat yourself. :)


Valentines day is on a Friday this year - so there will be flowers available at Soper & Co, Toddington from Thursday 13th February.


Please pre-order flowers to Click & Collect from Toddington or Cranfield.

*Delivery options available at checkout. 


PRE-ORDER by the 7th February.


Traditional Red Roses

6 roses £45.00,

12 roses £65.00

24 roses £99.00


Florists Choice £45.00

Pick me up wrap £25.00


Did you know that Roses have meanings?


Red - Love , passion, beauty, courage & respect.

White - Purity, Innocence, silence, secrecy, heavenly.

Dark pink - Appreciation & gratitude.

Light pink - Admiration, sympathy, grace, joy sweetness.

Yellow - Joy, delight, friendship, welcome back,& new beginnings.

Orange - Fascination, desire enthusiasm.

Peach - Appreciation, closing the deal, get together.

Coral - Desire.

Lilac - Love at first sight, enchantment.


Don't forget to keep an eye out for Soper&Co's Valentine treat box - Plus they have cards and gifts in store too!

Self Love & Valentines Day - Starting from £25.00 ~

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